What is Creative Elements?

Creative Elements offers quality art instruction in a variety of ways-- parent/child classes for preschoolers, summer and after school classes for children, private lessons, classes for adults, Art centered birthday parties, customized art classes in your neighborhood, and more!!!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. ~Pablo Picasso

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Potter's Wheel Workshop

The first date for the Potter's Wheel Workshop is set for Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 2:00-4:00. It will be a two hour workshop in which I will teach the basic techniques and procedures for throwing a pot on the potter's wheel. Once you have completed the workshop you can sign up for studio time to make your own creations. The workshop is for ages 14 and up so pass the word along to your teenagers and spouse.

I have to admit that pottery can have it's frustrating moments, but even then, it is so therapeutic. There is nothing like getting your hands in the mud and creating something you love. And hot cocoa tastes even better when you sip from a mug you made with your own hands. So fun!

To register just send me an email at creativeelementsinfo@gmail.com.

Monday, February 21, 2011

$30 Cift Certificate

"LIKE" Creative Elements on Facebook, leave a comment on the post about the $30 Gift Certificate and be entered to win a $30 Gift Certificate good toward the current schedule, studio time, private lessons, or any summer classes--schedule TBA. Winner will be randomly selected Friday Feb. 25 at 6:00pm. Make sure to let your friends know!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creative Elements is on Facebook

After you check out the new schedule, don't forget to "Like" Creative Elements on facebook. It took me long enough to figure out how to get that button on my blog, so if for no other reason, click it so I don't feel like I wasted my afternoon. (Turns out I was doing it right all along, just had to close my blog and go back in before it would show up.)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Time to Play in the Mud!

Spring is just around the corner and that means one thing . . . it's time to play in the mud! Thanks to my wonderful husband, my kiln is ready for some action. For the kids, I will be offering an after school class at Lake Hazel Elementary teaching hand building methods with clay. For ages 14 and up, if you have ever wished you could try your hand at the potter's wheel now is your chance.

Schedule, Course Description, and registration information are available by following the links above. Register early and save money! Start spreading the word!