What is Creative Elements?

Creative Elements offers quality art instruction in a variety of ways-- parent/child classes for preschoolers, summer and after school classes for children, private lessons, classes for adults, Art centered birthday parties, customized art classes in your neighborhood, and more!!!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. ~Pablo Picasso

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Red, Yellow, and Bounce

Last Friday was the first of four Art with Bounce classes offered this fall at Bounce in Meridian. (You can still register for the last three!) The kids' ages ranged from 2 -5. They were so sweet and we had a good time together. We learned about artist Piet Mondrian. We learned about what things in his paintings were the same (repetition) and what parts were different (variation). All the shapes were rectangles, but some were big, some were medium and some were small. We also learned that when it comes to glue, a dot is a lot. The kids did a wonderful job using their glue properly.

I always like to emphasize to the children that they are all different and that is good. When we looked at the finished art work, we noticed how everyone had different pictures even though they all started with the same tools. Each picture was special and unique, just like each child.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Registration Deadline

Friday, September 17 is the deadline for fall classes. That's tomorrow folks, so get it in today!!!

If you missed the registration deadline, and there is still room in the class, I will accept a late registration for an extra $10 late fee.

I will still take registrations for the remaining Bounce classes up to one week before each class.